A holistic approach in teaching literature as a tool in nurturing learners
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This study emanated from a study that examined the views of ESL teachers on the impact of the study of literature on Grade 11 and 12 learners’ academic writing in the Khomas region of Namibia. Data was gathered through a questionnaire that consisted of both closed and open-ended questions. There was a general consensus among participants on the significance of literature in general language proficiency. Nevertheless, some of the respondends in the study indicated that they struggled with teaching literature to their Grade 11 and 12 learners. The reasons provided were a lack of literature material, teacher education that did not prepare them well in teaching literature, lack of inservice training focusing on this component and lack of interest from the learners. The study was anchored on the learner centred approach which in turn falls under the umbrella of communicative learning theory, an approach for language learning and teaching in Namibia. The premise of this paper is to suggest ways in which literature can be effectively integrated in ESL classrooms. The article suggests that literature should be taught in a holistic manner using an integrated method that can prompt Namibian learners to think critically, thus reaping the full benefits of their learning experiences in studying literature in an ESL classroom.