Social Work in Africa: The imperative for social justice, human rights and peace

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Taolo Lucas


Social Work in Africa is faced with problems that are a product of unjustsocial, economic and political relations. Poverty, discrimination andviolence are some such problems that confront Social Work. Theseproblems have structural dimensions that Social Work must dealwith. This paper argues that to effectively discharge its mandate ofsafeguarding fundamental social aspirations, Social Work in Africamust embrace a transformative agenda anchored on the ideals of socialjustice, human rights and peace. Social Work should push for socialreforms and social policies that conform to existing internationalhuman rights instruments, social justice ideals and peace compliantpractices. It should also work with progressive social and politicalformations to create awareness and raise public consciousness on theneed to embrace human rights, social justice and peace.

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Author Biography

Taolo Lucas, University of Botswana

Lecturer in Social Work, University of Botswana