Should scientists pay for publication fee from their pockets?

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Othusitse Ricky Madibela


Researchers and scientists are required as part of their job description to publish their work in peer-reviewed journals. In the past, traditional journals were publishing research for free and then sell these articles to libraries and individual users through subscription to journals by libraries and renting and purchase of articles by individual users. In developing world where funding for research is scarce, article processing fees may not be budgeted for, leaving researchers to scrounge around for money to get their work published. In absence of available funds from their institutions or external funders to help get their work published some authors resort to using their personal money to pay for publishing charges. Is this a good thing?

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Author Biography

Othusitse Ricky Madibela, Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Professor of Animal Nutrition (Ruminant)

Dept of Animal Science & Production