Does Botswana need a Society for Animal Scientists?

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Othusitse Ricky Madibela



Botswana’s agriculture contributes about 2.0% to GDP and involves about 130 800 traditional farmers (Statistics Botswana 2012). Of these, animal agriculture contributes almost 100% of the income generated by agriculture. In a study by Thirtle et al. (2000) it appears that return to investment in arable research was negative but positive for livestock. Interestedly Barnes et al. (2008) found high rate of return for small traditional production system (35 cattle, 4 goats) but high national income per unit land for cattle post system while the commercial sector registered negative economic values. Thus, livestock farming has the potential to help create wealth, improve farmers’ livelihoods and reduce poverty especially for rural farmers.

Article Details

Research Article
Author Biography

Othusitse Ricky Madibela, Botswana College of Agriculture

Professor of Animal Nutrition (Ruminant)

Dept of Animal Science & Production