Former Cabinet Minister Archie Mogwe Still Driving Himself at 94

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Sonny Serite


At 94, former diplomat and politician Archie Mogwe still looks as fit as a fiddle. Mogwe still drives himself and does not even wear spectacles when behind the wheel. So fi t to drive is Mogwe that he often drives to South Africa to buy supplies for his farm. When I first phoned him, I made sure to lock myself in a quiet room because, given his old age, I had anticipated to talk to someone with a withered voice and auditory impairment. To my surprise, Mogwe’s voice came out very loud and clear; even clearer than the voice you hear when the Mascom mobile phone company lady says ‘Your balance is insufficient to make this call’. He took me by surprise when he returned my call last week Monday and we set the date and time for our meeting at his farm in May 2015.

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