
Main Article Content

Christian John Makgala
Rolang G Majelantle


Census taking is a very important national exercise which is carried out mostly after every ten years in Botswana. Census informs governments not just of how many people live in a given society but mostly for purposes of planning for provision of delivery of the much needed services. It is important that following a census experts from different fi elds such as Population Studies, History, Economics, Sociologists and Statistics among others study and interpret the data in the report to compile papers that explains various aspects and issues arising from a census. Therefore, following the 2011 national census in Botswana, the body tasked with running the exercise, Statistics Botswana, convened a seminar where various experts presented their views and observations of the census report. This special volume of the Botswana Notes and Records presents reviewed articles that were originally presented at the seminar held in the Fair Grounds Gaborone, 9-12 December 2013 in Gaborone.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Christian John Makgala

Department of History, University of Botswana. Editor of the Botswana Notes and Records.

Rolang G Majelantle

Department of Population Studies, University of Botswana. Guest Editor for this special issue