A Note on the Circumstances, Challenges and Opportunities in the Origins of the University of Botswana

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Jack Parson


This Note was inspired by a talk I gave to the Botswana Society on 3 September 2024 at the
University of Botswana campus in Gaborone. It is based on my memory of circumstances and
events when I was employed by the progenitors of the University of Botswana –the University
of Botswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland (UBLS) and the University College of Botswana (UCB),
a constituent of the University of Botswana and Swaziland (UBS). The key events during that
time (1973-1978) were the creation of Part I campuses in each of Botswana and Swaziland
teaching the first two years of the UBLS degree in 1972, Lesotho’s withdrawal from the UBLS
in 1975 and resulting establishment of full four-year programmes in both Botswana and
Swaziland under the umbrella of the UBS. Ultimately in 1982 the University of Botswana (UB)
was created as the flagship public institution of higher education in Botswana, an event after
my time. Subsequent to that talk I came across several memos I wrote at the time related to the
issue of the future of the University. This Note therefore is based on my recollection of these
events and the documents I retrieved.

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